Telescopi Italiani s.r.l. a Company that focuses on innovation and quality

Top-Notch Optical Design for best performances
Each of our telescopes has been designed and optimized to achieve the highest optical performance ever seen. We have chosen the best optical configurations and the best glasses to reach the TOP even with the very fast models up to the fantastic value of f/2.6

Widespread Carbon Fiber Architecture
Carbon fiber is widely used reducing weight and increasing structural stiffness and thermal stability. Innovative look and especial italian design makes our Astrographs extremely modern and up-to-date.

Integrated Electronic Control Systems
An integrated electronics provides fully functions control by a proprietary software and it allows a great wiring simplification between OTA and the control PC. Fully ASCOM Alpaca compliant Software Suite allow you the full control of the Astrograph via WIFI.

Innovative mechanical solution
In each of our Astrographs we have included innovative mechanical solutions to ensure the best integration of functionality. Some example are:
- X-Y secondary mirror tilt adjust system
- High-end secondary mirror electronical focuser
- Special Whiffle Tree lateral primary mirror support
- FEM aided design for all mechanical components