Electronic and software
All our Astrographs have a built in high-end electronic system and a a complete software Suite based of the new standard ASCOM Alpaca. The full control of the telescope is via WIFI, so wireless.
Boards, cables and components are completely integrated into the rear body thickness and full accessible for check and dismounting.
Active temperature control: high quality fans PWM controlled will keeps the primary mirror temperature controlled avoiding both high temperature difference between air temperature and high temperature gradient within the mirror itself (thanks the two sensors installed close to the cooler area and the other in the warmer area). A special air flow path allows the main parts of air to flow out from back without damaging the quiet air above the mirror. A full customized silicon secondary mirror heater with extremely low power density and PWM driven, will maintain the secondary mirror just above the dewpoint if needed.
Sensors installed:
– Primary mirror: two temperature sensors
– Secondary mirror: temperature sensor
– Air temperature sensor
– Air relative humidity sensor
Electronic panels: in the lateral sides of the rear body control panels allows to simplify all cable connections
between OTA and PC. Here the characteristics:
– Four USB-3.1 input HUB
– Four 12V Output IP 65 connectors – with red led to detect if it is powered
– Two buttons to open/close manually the primary dust covers (IP 65)
– One button to switch on/off a Green LASER for star pointing (IP 65)
– One button for future development functions
– One connector to power the OTA (12 V CC – MAX 10A)) (IP 65)
– One USB connector to connect to PC – for USB hub
– One connector to an external focuser (IP 65) – This output can drive a stepper motor for aux focuser system and a switch home position control. It is used on our off-axis guider with a stepper helical focuser built-in or on a secondary focuser.
Hardware Safety: all the on-board electronics are protected by over current thanks the use of fuses on the input side. All the
external hardware powered by our power hub has inside its own fuse that can be installed with the right current
limitation in according to the hardware current rating.
Wireless connection: the on-board electronic has its wireless connection to allow actions from your smartphone or ipad. We think the features for example to allow focuser and rotator command when the operator need to stay close to the telescope.

Wireless Software Suite INCLUDED:
The package include a Web based software able to control all the telescope functions and to connect it via ASCOM Alpaca / Remote to the integrated focuser, rotator and dust covers. Due to the innovation of our instruments we decided to use the new ASCOM Alpaca Standard, which provides the path for:
- Astronomy programs and devices to be connected across Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
- Observatory systems to include programs and devices on multiple platforms
- Devices that can operate via WiFi or Ethernet and avoid the problems with USB
- Interoperability between astronomy programs and devices running under different operating systems
- Implementation of astronomy programs and device control logic written in different languages on different operating systems
- Current unmodified Windows astronomy programs to use ASCOM compatible devices connected to any networked PC or other platform via Alpaca, or a self-contained Alpaca device.
- Current unmodified Windows-resident devices (mounts, focusers, etc.) to be used by astronomy programs running on networked PCs, Macs, and mobile devices that use Alpaca for device communications.
The software will have:
– Window 1: Temperature controls Where you can see themperature graphs, fan speed, heater power, decide if manually or auto command the fan and the heater
– Window 2: Focuser control Where you can see the focuser absolute position, move in/out focuser, see if reach the limits, load/store/rename focuser position, go to a target focuser position, go to home position, save temperature/focuser point for compensation curve, switch on/off temperature compensation, see secondary focuser position, move in/out secondary focuser, goto home for secondary focuser, syncro on/offsecondary focuser to the main focuser.
– Window 3: Field Rotator controls Where you can see the absolute rotator position, goto target angle, research home (limited – full options)
– Window 4: Dust cover / Laser controls Where you can open/close the dust cover, stop the procedure, switch on/off the laser pointer (not present on TI35)
– Window 5: Power Hub and Settings Where you can switch on/off power relé on each power output, select to set power outputs as previous session, modify user setting parameters, access to the advanced setting (only authorized)
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